Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Art of Homemaking!

Lesson #7 Homemaking

After reading the homemaker qualifications, and the story, do the following activity: Select 3 volunteers. Each will draw a task from a bag. You can have as many tasks as you can think of or have time for, I could only think of 3! The tasks included a small puzzle, read from a children's book, and correctly set a table (one setting). After the girls have completed the task, explain that homemaking isn't always about cleaning, cooking and sewing. The art of homemaking will often include many puzzles, books and yes, of course dinner and perhaps entertaining guests. While cooking and sewing are important, creating a home, an environment for learning and loving is truly the art of homemaking. Our Heavenly Father has given women a divine role that only they can fulfill.

Sister Julie B. Beck, General Relief Society has said,"I have a testimony gained from pondering and studying the scriptures of a plan of happiness given to us by our Father in Heaven. That plan has a part for His daughters. We have the female half to take care of, and if we don't do our part, no one is going to do it for us. The half of our Father's plan that creates life, that nurtures souls, that promotes growth, that influences everything else was given to us. We can't delegate it. We can't pass it off to anyone. It's ours. We can refuse it, we can deny it, but it's still our part, and we are accountable for it."

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Across a small valley
On a bright sunny day,
A family of sheep
We’re grazing away.
Said the mom to the lambs,
“Stay close to me Dears,
Danger can find us-
Even right here!”
High on a hill,
A wolf lay in wait.
‘Til he thought of a plan,
“I’ll get them with bait!”
“I’ll cover myself with
A cloak of sheep’s wool.
I’ll sneak in among them,
They won’t even know.”
So covered in wool,
His work had begun.
He grazed and he played
With them in the warm sun.
And once he determined
His web had been weaved,
He led them away
With his plan to deceive.
From out of the safety
Of mothers close eye
Away from the herd
Was the sheep led to die.
For the wolf had deceived him.
Slowly but sure.
He led him a stray,
Came in the back door.

The moral of the story
Is simple but true,
Satan wriggles right in-
He’ll deceive even you.
Know who you are,
Know what path you’ll take.
Strengthen yourself
And good choices you’ll make.
It’s not always easy
To not be deceived,
Heavenly Father pleads with us,
Believe that he loves you
No matter the cost.
Believe that he weeps
For every sheep lost.
Be certain each day
Wherever you are
His spirit can be there,
Its never too far.
-Julie Brakey