Thursday, June 26, 2008


This week for my YW lesson (Manuel 3, lesson 23) we are talking about Overcoming Opposition. The scriptures tell us "there must needs be opposition in all things"(2Nephi 2:11). With that in mind, we are going to do some fun flash cards. The cards will have words like up, out, in for which I will ask the girls to tell me their opposites. The words will start to get a little harder as we progress to words like discouraged, faith, etc. We will talk about the fall of Adam which made it possible for us to know sorrow and happiness. Although we don't ask for trials and opposition, they can help us become stronger.

Sometimes hugs just aren't enough to carry us through opposition, but there are some things we can do to get through it. For my handout, I have a little baggy of Hersheys Hugs. Attached to each Hug is one of the 12 ways listed in the lesson to help us overcome opposition.

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